


  1. 製作均衡的飲食:全穀雜糧、豆魚蛋肉為優先,挑選病人愛吃的食材、烹調方式,避免聽信坊間偏方或採取其他極端飲食
  2. 避免單次進食太多:可以採取少量多餐的進食方式,像是將一餐的份量分成兩次吃,由一天3正餐變成3正餐加3點心!吃東西時不要喝大量的水,盡量避免把胃空間佔用掉!此時建議留意高血糖症狀,維持定期測量血糖的習慣
  3. 拋掉舊有健康觀念:多吃菜、多喝水、少油少鹽等,看似健康的飲食概念,在胃口不好時,容易讓病人吃得更少,營養狀況反而變糟
    • 想吃什麼就吃:不是一定要吃「健康」的食物,像糙米很健康,但不好咀嚼,可能降低病人吃的意願,導致熱量攝取下降
    • 先吃全穀雜糧類食物、豆魚蛋肉類食物:胃有多餘空間,再多吃蔬菜、水果等


  1. 避免易產氣如豆漿、地瓜等、味道過重如臭豆腐、榴槤等,病人無法接受的食物
  2. 家人多陪伴、聊天等,可能增加病人進食意願
  1. Uptodate:The role of parenteral and enteral/oral nutritional support in patients with cancer
  2. Physical activity guidelines. In: Rehabilitation Issues During Cancer Treatment and Follow-Up, European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). Available at: https://oncologypro.esmo.org/education-library/esmo-handbooks/rehabilitation-issues-during-cancer-treatment-and-follow-up/Physical-Activity-Guidelines (Accessed on January 14, 2021).
  3. Andreyev, H.J., et al., Why do patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies? Eur J Cancer, 1998. 34(4): p. 503-9.
  4. Dewys, W.D., et al., Prognostic effect of weight loss prior to chemotherapy in cancer patients. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Am J Med, 1980. 69(4): p. 491-7.
  5. Senesse, P., et al., Nutritional support during oncologic treatment of patients with gastrointestinal cancer: who could benefit? Cancer Treat Rev, 2008. 34(6): p. 568-75.
  6. Barret, M., et al., Nutritional status affects treatment tolerability and survival in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: results of an AGEO prospective multicenter study. Oncology, 2011. 81(5-6): p. 395-402.
  7. Jagoe, R.T., T.H. Goodship, and G.J. Gibson, The influence of nutritional status on complications after operations for lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001. 71(3): p. 936-43.
  8. Rey-Ferro, M., et al., Nutritional and immunologic evaluation of patients with gastric cancer before and after surgery. Nutrition, 1997. 13(10): p. 878-81.
  9. Salas, S., et al., Nutritional factors as predictors of response to radio-chemotherapy and survival in unresectable squamous head and neck carcinoma. Radiother Oncol, 2008. 87(2): p. 195-200.

剛確診癌症時,容易讓我們緊張、焦慮,也可能會胃口不好、吃不下,該怎麼做才好呢? (延伸閱讀:糖尿病人預防癌症關鍵在飲食!試試正夯的「彩虹飲食法」 )


  1. 改善治療的效果和耐受度
  2. 維持穩定的體重,避免營養不良發生
  3. 改善外科手術、藥物的治療效果
  4. 降低化療副作用的強度
  5. 讓病人有較好的生活品質
  1. 口腔黏膜潰瘍,造成吃東西不舒服
  2. 因消化道問題,無法攝取或無法吸收足夠的熱量
  3. 食慾不振、腸道不適
  4. 代謝異常
  1. 會降低各種癌症的總體存活率
  2. 會降低手術和藥物治療效果
  3. 增加化療相關毒性發生:化療是以細胞毒性藥物消滅或抑制體內癌細胞,但有時候會造成相關的器官損傷
  4. 病人生活品質較差


  1. 全穀雜糧類:
  2. 豆魚蛋肉類:

  1. Uptodate:The role of parenteral and enteral/oral nutritional support in patients with cancer
  2. Physical activity guidelines. In: Rehabilitation Issues During Cancer Treatment and Follow-Up, European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). Available at: https://oncologypro.esmo.org/education-library/esmo-handbooks/rehabilitation-issues-during-cancer-treatment-and-follow-up/Physical-Activity-Guidelines (Accessed on January 14, 2021).
  3. Andreyev, H.J., et al., Why do patients with weight loss have a worse outcome when undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal malignancies? Eur J Cancer, 1998. 34(4): p. 503-9.
  4. Dewys, W.D., et al., Prognostic effect of weight loss prior to chemotherapy in cancer patients. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Am J Med, 1980. 69(4): p. 491-7.
  5. Senesse, P., et al., Nutritional support during oncologic treatment of patients with gastrointestinal cancer: who could benefit? Cancer Treat Rev, 2008. 34(6): p. 568-75.
  6. Barret, M., et al., Nutritional status affects treatment tolerability and survival in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: results of an AGEO prospective multicenter study. Oncology, 2011. 81(5-6): p. 395-402.
  7. Jagoe, R.T., T.H. Goodship, and G.J. Gibson, The influence of nutritional status on complications after operations for lung cancer. Ann Thorac Surg, 2001. 71(3): p. 936-43.
  8. Rey-Ferro, M., et al., Nutritional and immunologic evaluation of patients with gastric cancer before and after surgery. Nutrition, 1997. 13(10): p. 878-81.
  9. Salas, S., et al., Nutritional factors as predictors of response to radio-chemotherapy and survival in unresectable squamous head and neck carcinoma. Radiother Oncol, 2008. 87(2): p. 195-200.